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"In half the time and twice as good"

Residential Services: About


Our guide has been developed to give customers a clear understanding of the service we offer. All windows are assessed and quoted by Andy who has extensive training and experience in window cleaning. 

If you have any questions or would like a more detailed explanation ask Andy and he will be happy to discuss further. 

When quoting we focus on 4 factors. 

  • The number of windows on your property

  • The size of those window

  • The access to the windows

  • The type of cleaning required 

All quotes are free and can even be done if your not home provided access to the property can be granted. 

Once your happy with the quote and its formally accepted you will be sent a date fo your booking. 

Residential Services: Text


Window Sizes

Below are the groups used most frequently when quoting a home. Prices are for of both sides of the glass

Small Window 

Smallest window found in a home typically seen in bathrooms or laundry. 

Medium Window 

Often individually seen in a double hung frame or side window. 

Large Window

Typically used in a living room or bedroom as a main feature window

XL Window 

Floor to ceiling sliding door or similar size. 

Certain factors might make a window more difficult to clean, such as access, if so it may be grouped as a larger size and a higher price. 

Distinct Window

Custom, oversized and one off windows such as foyers and awnings. Price will be determined during assessment.

French Panes 

Small french windows typically found in door frames. 

Balustrade Glass 

Pool or balcony glass outdoors. 

Fly Screen Cleaning 

Fly screens of any size, removed, thoroughly cleaned through vertical screen washer, dried and placed back. 


Price per pane of glass on sets of louvre windows. 

Residential Services: Text



Standard glass cleaning process for removal of dirt, marks & fingerprints. Frames and tracks wiped down of soap from cleaning. 

Fly Screen Cleaning

Fly screens of any size, removed, thoroughly cleaned through vertical screen washer, dried and placed back. 

Track Cleaning

Window tracks brushed and vacuumed of dust and debris. 

Deep Clean
Additional cleaning to surfaces of frames to remove organic build up or debris 

Residential Services: Text
Residential Services: Recent Work
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